x360ce.com : Comments : 246





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We do not censor comments. Contact us if you have any other inquiries: info@x360ce.com
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2025-03-22 19:37 SKAT Rating: Good
Chapter: Version 3.x Download & Help
Hello, program developers.
Old versions of X360CE • Xbox 360 Controller Emulator, were clearer. At the moment, I have two problems. Recording buttons does not work, and I can not manually change Stick Axis to D-Pad.
Thanks for your attention.
2025-03-17 21:36 Amirmahdi Rating: Normal
"Which version of the software is suitable for the game Split Fiction? Because I used version 2, but the joystick was not recognized in the game. Please guide me."
2025-03-09 22:34 nlll Rating: Very Good
Hi, i 've a problem with the "mapping" function, so basically when i connect my controller via bluetooth to x360ce it appears the usual green mark etc but when i click on the map function and press one of my buttons the programm doesn't recognize it, i know i must write on the forum...really sorry
2025-03-09 21:28 anis Rating: Very Good
Chapter: Version 3.x Download & Help
nik matkom ww nik programe li drto tizmo
2025-02-17 13:00 RCR17 Rating: Normal
Chapter: Version 4.x Download & Help
Hola muy buenas tengo un problema cuando abro el proframa se me desconecta el bluetooth
2025-02-09 07:52 Driver Rating: Normal
Chapter: Need for Speed™ Payback
After hours of trying, finally works. Beautiful. There is no end of my happiness. Thank You,
2025-01-30 17:56 Qruzan Rating: Bad
Chapter: Version 3.x Download & Help
My 360ce program is not opening It doesn't give an error, nothing happens, no matter how many times I click on it and run it as administrator, it doesn't open.
2025-01-26 13:49 Borne Rating: Very Bad
What to do when x360ce does not recognize my controller but the controller is recognized by windows.
2025-01-25 11:27 Mat Rating: Very Good
Great job ! Thank you very much to allow us to use gamepads on PC, for FREE !
Easy to use, do the job, nothing more to say, thank you...
2025-01-23 17:28 sleeping dog Rating: Very Good
sleeping dog
2025-01-23 17:27 sleeping dog Rating: Good
sleeping dog
2025-01-11 16:14 polad Rating: Very Good
Chapter: Grand Theft Auto V
ela alinib qeseydi ugurlar gta 5 eladi iiynyuram xosuma ggelir coxsagolun
2025-01-10 23:53 Erick Rating: Very Bad
Chapter: Version 4.x Download & Help
On the FC 24, the analog controls (levers) are reversed, I try to control it downwards and it goes upwards. How to fix this?
2025-01-10 17:23 Steven Rating: Good
Works pretty good tho when trying to use a wheel it seems theres a inverted deadzone. Instead of using the axis scale from the wheel after half way of turning left or right it steers in entirely with out the wheel going any further. Anyone got a fix?
2024-12-26 17:47 darcia509 Rating: Good
Chapter: FAQ
I have a ISY wireless gamepad with usb stick and wanted to play HogwartsLegacy but i still cant connect pad to the game :(
2024-12-24 14:54 Me Rating: Normal
Chapter: FAQ

Virus Total found this
2024-12-22 14:28 Petros Rating: Normal
Chapter: Triggers
Please make macOs compatibility
2024-12-11 23:36 hello Rating: Bad
Chapter: Version 4.x Download & Help
hello im using a wheel but my wheel wont turn inside xbox360ce and i dont know how to fix it
2024-12-11 05:24 Steering Wheel Rating: Very Bad
Deletei sem querer o volante do Add Selected Device, não consigo adiciona-lo novamente, o que eu faço?
2024-12-08 19:57 mealj Rating: Very Good
Chapter: Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4
me la la lal la
2024-12-08 19:57 mealj Rating: Normal
2024-11-23 02:41 me Rating: Very Bad
uh, is not running the archive, I need run x360ce.exe in admin mode?
2024-11-13 07:27 serega Rating: Normal
хочу вырозить свое недовольство тестировщикам данного приложения. Если бы они его тестировали, то сделали бы сочитания клавишь временного отключения стика. Это нужно для симуляторов, в которых управление мышкой контролирует камеру в игре. Нет настроек чувствительности стика, это нужно для лучшего контроля при руление мышью чем либо. В общем котострофа. Столько лет, исправить немогут такие банальные вещи. Увольте своего тестировщика.

I want to express my dissatisfaction to the testers of this application. If they had tested it, they would have made a key combination for temporarily disabling the stick. This is necessary for simulators in which the mouse controls the camera in the game. There are no stick sensitivity settings, this is necessary for better control when steering with the mouse or something. In general, a catastrophe. So many years, they can't fix such trivial things. Fire your tester.
2024-11-10 22:03 Frank Rating: Very Good
Chapter: Need for Speed™ Payback
it works flawlessly with the version 4.xx of x360ce.
you should use the anti-dead-zone option for better results.

if you own a logitech wheel, go to the logitech driver to add a centering effect.
if you use another wheel (like me: Fanatec), then there will be no centering effect on the wheel.

Suggestion to x360ce developpers: could you add a wheel centering option, please?
2024-11-07 12:29 gabba Rating: Normal
Chapter: Steering
theres only a few buttons working but the steering and shifting and the pedals all dont work
2024-11-02 10:07 John Rating: Very Bad
does not detect full gas
2024-10-29 02:45 Sean Rating: Very Bad
Chapter: Grand Theft Auto V
Extremely disappointed that this no longer works after Rockstar forced BattlEye on everyone. Has anyone found a workaround?
2024-10-14 18:05 Convencional Rating: Bad
Hostile and complicated interface, a bunch of useless options that ultimately don't work. Xoutput is light years better and more practical.
2024-09-30 12:22 me me me Rating: Very Good
Great software. Works like a charm when used 1 old wired xbox360 controller and a wired ps4 controller, using the "Auto Map" and "enable 0 mapped devices" on multiple games that refused to recognize these two controllers together.

Fantastic work for so little interaction and configuration on my side.
2024-09-29 21:58 vitinhupjl Rating: Very Good
Chapter: Version 3.x Download & Help
incrivel, heroi, salvador
2024-09-29 12:05 maimmete208 Rating: Very Good
Its a very good application but i cant play games on MAC.
2024-09-26 21:44 campcreekdude Rating: Good
The X360CE build 2020-11-15 works on a fresh install of windows where the previous build for 32-bit apps has never been installed.

I have trouble getting the new build version to work when the previous system was used. Otherwise its all good~!
2024-09-26 17:21 Wont work Rating: Very Bad
It wont show my G29 logitech steering wheel and when i press hardware and search it up it wont let me enable the steering wheel and the only thing that shows up is my keyboard and mouse not even my xbox controler shows up
2024-09-11 03:28 Derf Rating: Normal
Ok, so what happens is, I have the settings perfectly done for a game. Then I try to add a new game, and I configure it again for that game. Then I switch back to the old game and all the controls are fucked. And there's no way to save the mapping I painstakingly created for each game, and every time I try to wipe the state and refresh, something bad happens and some wrong settings get loaded again. It is very frustrating, but it was great when it worked.
2024-09-04 17:50 Steelwalker Rating: Very Good
Best Project Ever!!! Has saved a lot of money for hardware wrapper. So I cann now play with my fanatec CD DD Wheel the game sega rally with force feedback effects!!! Thank you!!!! I love it and I'll support the project.
2024-08-25 18:39 John Rating: Bad
Chapter: Version 4.x Download & Help
the trigger buttons are not working in-game, it is shown correctly in xbox360ce.
2024-08-19 18:30 thatisklskfds Rating: Normal
Chapter: FAQ
does anyone know if i can change the input controller to act on the mouse (i don't have a controller so i thought if it works to make atleast my mouse acts like a controller
2024-08-13 19:41 dont use this Rating: Very Bad
i my steering wheel dont work for my computer anymore
2024-08-11 08:47 becca Rating: Very Bad
Chapter: FAQ
the software completely crashes my sound system in my pc when i plug a pair of usb-c earbuds. i gotta restart my computer to have sound again. this is really annoying since those are my main earbuds i use and i cant use them if i wanna use this software
2024-07-29 15:50 gifwar Rating: Good
Chapter: Top 20 Devices
Add support for Pro controller and joy cons
2024-07-24 15:24 lies of p Rating: Normal
why doesnt work on lies of p?
2024-07-22 03:14 Not Spice. Rating: Normal
Chapter: PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller
Would love an alternative source for this.
2024-07-12 14:23 same Rating: Very Bad
Chapter: Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice
Fatal Error: Could not detect game. Make sure you are using one of the supported games and that your exe is not renamed.
2024-07-07 12:24 RABBO Rating: Very Good
Chapter: FAQ
2024-07-05 07:31 Horizon Rating: Very Bad
Absolutely horrible. I set up my wheel using a guide and there is a yellow box and it does not work. It also does not say what the problem is either. Horrible program with a hard UI to learn.
2024-06-28 21:12 OMEGA Rating: Bad
Chapter: Version 3.x Download & Help
Bonjour je tiens à exprimer mon incertitude envers votre logiciel qui me comblait depuis des jours Mais j'ai constaté qu'il y avait un problème au niveau de mon casque et mes écouteurs filaires, une fois que je les branche à mon ordinateur je n'arrive plus à utiliser la manette et encore moins les écouteurs ni ni écouter ni parler dans mon micro, C'est le logiciel qui bugs, ça fait un bug cisaillant qui n'arrête pas tant que je débranche pas les écouteurs ou quitte le logiciel, j'espère que avec mes informations vous allez réparer ce problème qui est très important pour moi quand je joue avec mes amis car ils ne m'entendent pas
2024-06-27 00:31 Vitor Rating: Very Bad
It doesn't work with games from Xbox GamePass PC, I tested it on Palword, which I bought from the Xbox PC store, but it didn't work on any of the games downloaded from GamePass PC.

I would be happy if I could get back to you.


2024-06-24 13:26 i have problme LT RT (Lt-Rt) not working pls help Rating: Very Good
When I downloaded the ender ring dlc and used x360emulatur and placed the game in the list of games, all buttons worked except Lt and RT I want a solution as soon as possible and with your permission and thanks for this application that helped me a lot.
2024-06-22 12:21 Denis Rating: Normal
Chapter: Version 4.x Download & Help
Hi! I have a question about HIDGuardian. Is there a chance to lose the control of your mouse and keyboard if you JUST install the program, or ONLY if you uninstall it from Windows OS Device Manager?
2024-06-20 02:54 Roger Wilco Rating: Very Good
Windows Defender really dont love this usefull soft. You should add to FAQ two tips: 1) Run this like Administrator and 2) Add the program to windows defender exceptions.
2024-06-14 22:17 Beat Rating: Good
For those who have an issue where you need to install controller accessories driver, use this link:
2024-06-14 13:39 zril Rating: Bad
Chapter: FAQ
how to fix self protec
2024-06-09 20:51 Mike Oxlong Rating: Bad
Chapter: FAQ
How do you increase the sensitivity?

2024-06-08 15:48 IDK Rating: Normal
WHAT IS A ISlider 1 what keybind for steering wheel is it
2024-06-03 19:10 Not Easy to Use Rating: Bad
Chapter: Version 3.x Download & Help
Confusing User interface.
Detects Xbox controller, but Remaps keys are all greyed out.
Hard to understand how to remap DPAD <> Analog Sticks and Triggers Hard<>Soft Pull interface.
2024-05-29 04:18 K A Rating: Bad
Chapter: Version 3.x Download & Help
no sirve cuando abro el x360ce solo comienza a abrirse y cerrarse como loco
2024-05-18 16:13 what should I do if the caphead game is not added Rating: Bad
what should I do if the caphead game is not added
2024-05-18 16:13 the caphead game is not added to run it Rating: Very Good
what should I do if the caphead game is not added?

2024-05-10 15:56 foda-se Rating: Very Bad
Chapter: FIFA 19
2be2wdwfasdgutgdrdawr2thtgfuiy2rde22fsdghjttffdsdfgrerfgçlkjuygygjdav gj9ltzwEeztfh32eryuzWwaddfvthyfcgrdrfgthrsadfghjhgdsfrjkAEESfyuytrewr tyikyreweghjhrfwsDEFytrewertyjuytrergtfhgjgfdwsedfghngfdsdfghngfdefth yjutdfsfghjhgfdsadfghgfdsfgherthjhtrewqertyuuytrewriuytrewdsfgvbfdsdf thjkjhgfqwertyasdfghgfdsasdfghytrewqyxwetfdfgtrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rygfyydfyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
2024-04-22 03:48 santos Rating: Bad
Chapter: FAQ
acredito que nao esta mais funcionando , fiz todo o passo a passo e o xcloud nao reconhece o controle
2024-04-19 23:02 Danielonator Rating: Bad
Chapter: Version 4.x Download & Help
the trigger buttons doesn´t do anything
2024-04-11 03:08 trip Rating: Normal
version en español por favor. saludos!
2024-04-03 02:30 vincent5482 Rating: Very Bad
this bloody thing has done nothing but fuck the game i am trying to use it on. (roblox)
2024-03-23 06:09 noobie Rating: Normal
Chapter: Version 4.x Download & Help
Hello, i have connected my ps4 controller using bluetooth to my desktop. The input from my controller are recognized in settings(when i move the thumb sticks, the highlighted options changes if that makes sense to you) basically the pc recognizes the controller as "wireless controller". But when i try to run the game "A way out" it does not recognize the input, so i downloaded x360ce, the controller is recognized and connected, the box is in green color, still the input from controller is not recognized, when i press buttons nothing. There are no 'issues' under the issues tab, and i have also tried installing HID guardian, still no input in recognized, but the controller is connected and in green color. Please help.
2024-03-14 16:18 a regular man Rating: Very Bad
hey son of a bitch the emulator doesn´t open

2024-02-26 00:29 joe Rating: Good
when i go to map my X axis record and i steer my steering wheel to the left or right id is not detect and the wheel is connected
2024-02-21 09:57 horrible Rating: Very Bad
why can't yall just make an installable app where it setup everything for you! this app is so ass that EVERYTIME I TRY IT I HAVE PROBLEM WITH IT!
2024-02-17 20:54 kayb1 Rating: Normal
How do i play with 2 controllers
they seem to jam each other
2024-02-11 05:21 jacob wells Rating: Very Good
Chapter: Version 4.x Download & Help
why does my camera keep spinning in mw3
2024-02-11 04:36 achei foi paia Rating: Bad
Chapter: Version 4.x Download & Help
paia viu
2024-02-08 02:02 McGalcri Rating: Normal
Indigo360 After configure all x360ce buttons/axis, save it and CLOSE IT. Do not keep it opened when you open your game.

If your game still not working with x360, probably it is because you have a wrong Xinput selection under "Game Settings" tab. There you will can chose 1.1 to 1.4 and 9.1 versions of Xinput. In some cases, you may need a combination of them for example 1.3 and 9.1... just trial/error for testing.

NOTE: A good signal about it is working is hearing a windows sound after loading your game. Enjoy!
2024-02-04 14:30 Indigo360 Rating: Normal
This works great for all D-Inputs but I can't get this to work on any X-Input controllers outside the app. It detects and setups fine, all the buttons work but once I click outside the x360ce window or minimize it no more inputs are sent. It's like it disappears, I can play a game windowed mode then click on x360ce and it reads but once I click back on the game it's dead. Nothing is sent.

Hit me up on the forums if you know something, I made a post there in the x360ce section.

2024-01-29 09:22 help Rating: Normal
Chapter: Version 4.x Download & Help
it works but my menu is crushed and cannot see or choose options any fix?
2024-01-23 13:21 monkey boy Rating: Very Bad
Chapter: Top 20 Games
i cant make it work and fortnite is not even on that list
2024-01-23 12:22 liorariela@gmail.com Rating: Very Bad
dear friend hi, i install the softwere on win 11 (and i love your softwere).
and it maks alot of problemes please help me solve it i didnt secside.
2024-01-04 15:36 McGalcri Rating: Normal
x360ce emulator works perfect in my GTA V vanilla. But using RAGE Plugin Hook doesnt work due RAGE use XInput1_4.dll that also is used by x360ce (even using another DLL, unchecked 1.4 version in emulator) but it is not compatible between them.

Is there a way to bypass the usage of Xinput1_4.dll in x360ce??
2023-12-26 19:52 Magnum5655 Rating: Very Good
Au version is best version
2023-12-25 00:02 A Disappointed Thrustmaster T150 User Rating: Normal
I don't know if its just for Thrustmaster T150, but it doesnt work for Roblox or other games with this emulator.
2023-12-15 19:00 controle de Xbox 1 Rating: Good
LT fuciona
LB fuciona
RT fuciona
RB fuciona
analogico L cima e baixo mais ou menos esquerda e direta sim
etc ta tudo bem
[meu controle]
2023-12-11 17:42 GTAV player Rating: Very Good
Chapter: Grand Theft Auto V
works perfectly with +10 year old flight stick.
2023-12-09 15:03 Vavk Rating: Very Bad
Don`t install it guys. You will can`t delete this shit.
2023-12-01 17:36 Angel Rating: Very Good
Hello, i would like to know how to use xbox 360ce for feedback. most wnated 2005 wont work. it has broken drivers i think. But you can help me i guess.
2023-11-30 04:29 USB Issue Rating: Normal
My x360 detects my ps4 controller only from the top USB ports on my PC, not the back ones. It is not an issue with the back ports because my PC detects the controller when connected to a back USB port, just not x360. I'm wondering how I can make it so all the USBs can be detected by x360.
2023-11-27 22:21 Tom Rating: Good
Hello how to configure the buttons part please? I can't change anything
2023-11-26 17:15 Juris Azanovas Rating: Good
Chapter: FAQ
Hey, I used your software to use my wheel on Roblox and IT WAS FUCKING FANTASTIC. I loved it. I tried it on my friends windows computer. However I myself have a Mac OS computer. All other apps are shit or cost money. Pleaseee make a Mac OS version. PLEASE
2023-11-21 23:54 Gmnightyffx@gmail.com Rating: Very Bad
i have a certain problem where i execute the .EXE file but it dosent apear the menu
2023-11-14 19:26 a comment Rating: Very Bad
your controller emulator does work and i tried everything to make it work but it wont work and here is
my email if you have advise on how to fix it holygodlopez@gmail.com
2023-11-11 22:21 Frank Rating: Very Bad
this software doesnt seem to function correctly, it takes 30 minutes for the controller configuration to be interactive, the controller bindings are wayyyyyyyyy off and are never correct in game, the software it self is so buggy and doesnt work at all, I tried testing out cyberpunk 2077 for compatibility with the gamepad software but no luck it only detected one button binding and it was incorrectly setup. Ive tried uninstalling and reinstalling the software but no luck, this application does not work for cyberpunk 2077 along with a thrustmaster tmx racing wheel, it doesnt work, ive tried a dozen times ive done all of the hid guardian and the correct virutalization for the controller emulation, doesnt work. is there ANYONE that has similar recurring constant problems with this software because i never get anywhere with it i can never have a proper preset saved because they never work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2023-11-10 08:17 Ernt Rating: Normal
Chapter: FAQ

Can we please get a version for macOS 14.1.1

2023-10-31 15:07 Leo mabuku Rating: Normal
Chapter: FAQ
X360 ce isn't working as in it's not creating ini file I've read somewhere v4 doesn't but it isn't working
2023-10-27 21:44 . Rating: Bad
Chapter: FAQ
I cant connect a g920 to this software
2023-10-11 06:09 xyz Rating: Very Bad
really help me to make me really angry, so inconvenient. bugs everywhere.
2023-10-11 05:57 xyz Rating: Very Bad
so inconvenient,
2023-10-08 16:32 Серг Rating: Very Bad
Не работает ваше волшебная программа в Biped !!!!
2023-10-05 18:47 Brut RTS Gameplay (youtube) Rating: Good
Chapter: Top 20 Games
I recommend to play nier:automata also
2023-10-01 11:33 111 Rating: Very Bad
Chapter: FAQ
how can i solve this problem ?
Unhandled exception has occured in your application if you click continue the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. if you click quit the application will close immediatley
2023-10-01 11:32 ddd Rating: Very Bad
Chapter: FAQ
how can i solve this problem ?
Unhandled exception has occured in your application if you click continue the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. if you click quit the application will close immediatley
2023-09-30 09:53 Bambi Rating: Normal
Chapter: Version 4.x Download & Help
Hello, I have a critical use case that this just does not work for. Battlestations Midway supports Xbox 360 controllers as dinput joystick (it has an xinput dll but I don't know what for), but there is a bug where it will only map the triggers (combined Z axis) correctly for a genuine Xbox 360 controller, this means all third party controllers as well as all newer Xbox controllers do not work correctly. The solution would be to make these controllers look like original Xbox 360 controllers in the first game device slot, but while x360ce creates a dinput device, it does not actually do anything, no inputs can be given so it doesn't work. IF you have a better way of making an Xbox One controller look like an Xbox 360 controller to the game please tell me, else please provide a fix that makes the virtual dinput device work properly.
2023-09-20 15:19 ANO Rating: Very Bad
Chapter: Version 3.x Download & Help
X360ce crashes my mouse and keyboard after 1 minute of usage. mouse lags and then crashes. Computer is still responsive. X360ce also doesn't detect controller on launch, and then randomly detects it when I select the controller. Issues started with new controller. Delete program data folder, issues still persist. No fixes have been found on github or google.
2023-09-20 14:58 os196767gmail.com Rating: Bad
Hello, I downloaded the game "trials rising" via ubi connect, but xbox360 x86 etc emulators unfortunately do not work. I want to play the game with gamepad, what should I do.
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