
X360CE • Top Devices of All Time in x360ce Database

Top 20 Devices
Top 20 Devices
940,340 - Generic USB Joystick
624,783 - Twin USB Gamepad
212,622 - XBOX 360 For Windows
193,511 - Wireless Controller
105,279 - USB JOYSTICK
97,266 - USB GAMEPAD
97,048 - Bluetooth Gamepad
90,403 - USB WirelessGamepad
69,024 - PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller
52,823 - XBOX One For Windows
51,783 - Logitech Dual Action
48,464 - USB Vibration Joystick (BM)
37,317 - Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver for Windows
30,830 - Logitech RumblePad 2 USB
26,404 - Logitech Cordless RumblePad 2
25,686 - Wireless Gamepad
25,512 - vJoy Device
23,363 - PC Game Controller
17,715 - PS(R) Gamepad
17,093 - VJoy Virtual Joystick

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XBOX 360 For Windows

MicrosoftXBOX 360 Controller For Windows (2005)

Buttons (10) and Axes (5):

LSB = Left Stick Button = Axis 0-X (0-65535), Axis 1-Y (0-65535), Button 8
RSB = Right Stick Button = Axis 3-XR (0-65535), Axis 4-YR (0-65535), Button 9

LT = Left Trigger (Axis 2-Z(32767-65535)
RT = Right Trigger (Axis 2-Z (32767-0)

LB = Left Bumper = Button 4
RB = Right Bumper = Button 5

A = Button 0
B = Button 1
X = Button 2
Y = Button 3

D-Pad / POV (Point of View) = Top (0), Right (9000), Bottom (18000), Right (27000)

View (Back) = Button 6
Menu (Start) = Button 7

Non-Gaming Buttons (2):

• Wireless pairing button


• Wireless (2.4 GHz RF)
• USB Adapter-Cable
• 2.5 mm headset jack

PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller

SonyPlayStation 3 Controller (1997)

2 Analog sticks

10-bit precision

13 Digital buttons

Triangle, Circle, Cross, Square, L1, R1, L2, R2, L3, R3, Start, Select, Analog
Digital directional buttons


PlayStation (2) controller port

How to use a PS3 controller on PC

You must install "Sony PlayStation Now" software for buttons and axis to work properly.

XBOX One For Windows

Microsoft Xbox One1

2022-01MicrosoftXBOX One Controller€55

Force Feedback (4):

1 rumble motor big (LB), 1 rumble motor medium (RB), 2 small impulse triggers (LT, RT)


3.5 mm stereo audio jack

Axes (5):

LS = Left Stick = Axis 0 (H 0-32767-65535) = Axis 1 (V 0-32767-65535)
RS = Right Stick = Axis 3 (H 0-32767-65535) = Axis 4 (V 0-32767-65535)

LT = Left Trigger = Axis 2 (32767-65535) = Button 10
RT = Right Trigger = Axis 2 (32767-0) = Button 11

D-Pad Button (1):

D-Pad / POV (Point of View) = Top (0), Right (9000), Bottom (18000), Right (27000)

Buttons (10):

A = Button 0
B = Button 1
X = Button 2
Y = Button 3

LB = Left Bumper = Button 4
RB = Right Bumper = Button 5

View = Button 6
Menu = Button 7

Left Stick Button = Button 8
Right Stick Button = Button 9

Logitech RumblePad 2 USB

Logitech • RumblePad 2 USB

Buttons (10) and Axes (5):

LSB = Left Stick Button = Axis 0-X (0-65535), Axis 1-Y (0-65535), Button 8
RSB = Right Stick Button = Axis 3-XR (0-65535), Axis 4-YR (0-65535), Button 9

LT = Left Trigger (Axis 2-Z(32767-65535)
RT = Right Trigger (Axis 2-Z (32767-0)

LB = Left Bumper = Button 4
RB = Right Bumper = Button 5

A = Button 0
B = Button 1
X = Button 2
Y = Button 3

D-Pad / POV (Point of View) = Top (0), Right (9000), Bottom (18000), Right (27000)

Back = Button 6
Start = Button 7

Non-Gaming Buttons (2):

• Logitech
• Mode
• Vibration
• DirectInput / XInput

Force Feedback Motors (2):

1 big (BL), 1 medium (BR)

Logitech Cordless RumblePad 2

LogitechRumblePad 2 Cordless

Buttons (10) and Axes (5):

LSB = Left Stick Button = Axis 0-X (0-65535), Axis 1-Y (0-65535), Button 8
RSB = Right Stick Button = Axis 3-XR (0-65535), Axis 4-YR (0-65535), Button 9

LT = Left Trigger (Axis 2-Z(32767-65535)
RT = Right Trigger (Axis 2-Z (32767-0)

LB = Left Bumper = Button 4
RB = Right Bumper = Button 5

A = Button 0
B = Button 1
X = Button 2
Y = Button 3

D-Pad / POV (Point of View) = Top (0), Right (9000), Bottom (18000), Right (27000)

Back = Button 6
Start = Button 7

Non-Gaming Buttons (2):

• Logitech
• Mode
• Vibration
• DirectInput / XInput

Force Feedback Motors (2):

1 big (BL), 1 medium (BR)


• Wireless USB Receiver (2.4 GHz)