Version 4.x Download & Help : Comments : 65





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2025-01-10 23:53 Erick Rating: Very Bad
On the FC 24, the analog controls (levers) are reversed, I try to control it downwards and it goes upwards. How to fix this?
2024-12-11 23:36 hello Rating: Bad
hello im using a wheel but my wheel wont turn inside xbox360ce and i dont know how to fix it
2024-08-25 18:39 John Rating: Bad
the trigger buttons are not working in-game, it is shown correctly in xbox360ce.
2024-06-22 12:21 Denis Rating: Normal
Hi! I have a question about HIDGuardian. Is there a chance to lose the control of your mouse and keyboard if you JUST install the program, or ONLY if you uninstall it from Windows OS Device Manager?
2024-04-19 23:02 Danielonator Rating: Bad
the trigger buttons doesn´t do anything
2024-03-23 06:09 noobie Rating: Normal
Hello, i have connected my ps4 controller using bluetooth to my desktop. The input from my controller are recognized in settings(when i move the thumb sticks, the highlighted options changes if that makes sense to you) basically the pc recognizes the controller as "wireless controller". But when i try to run the game "A way out" it does not recognize the input, so i downloaded x360ce, the controller is recognized and connected, the box is in green color, still the input from controller is not recognized, when i press buttons nothing. There are no 'issues' under the issues tab, and i have also tried installing HID guardian, still no input in recognized, but the controller is connected and in green color. Please help.
2024-02-11 05:21 jacob wells Rating: Very Good
why does my camera keep spinning in mw3
2024-02-11 04:36 achei foi paia Rating: Bad
paia viu
2024-01-29 09:22 help Rating: Normal
it works but my menu is crushed and cannot see or choose options any fix?
2023-09-30 09:53 Bambi Rating: Normal
Hello, I have a critical use case that this just does not work for. Battlestations Midway supports Xbox 360 controllers as dinput joystick (it has an xinput dll but I don't know what for), but there is a bug where it will only map the triggers (combined Z axis) correctly for a genuine Xbox 360 controller, this means all third party controllers as well as all newer Xbox controllers do not work correctly. The solution would be to make these controllers look like original Xbox 360 controllers in the first game device slot, but while x360ce creates a dinput device, it does not actually do anything, no inputs can be given so it doesn't work. IF you have a better way of making an Xbox One controller look like an Xbox 360 controller to the game please tell me, else please provide a fix that makes the virtual dinput device work properly.
2023-08-31 02:14 Rating: Normal
Meu notebook não é muito bom como faço para executar ele em segundo plano sem ficar travando meu PC?
2023-08-26 07:25 furkan Rating: Very Bad
this app crashing please fix
2023-07-24 20:19 ItzMoltooZ Rating: Normal
2023-04-30 08:50 Schlass Rating: Good
2023-03-27 07:24 Kn1ght Rating: Very Good
Hi! i just had a doubt....i want to play plutonium BO2 using a generic controller on my PC. Is there a way to make there happen? maybe using x360ce or something?
2022-11-14 06:08 Jason underwood Rating: Very Good

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2022-11-03 12:08 OLD VERSION USER Rating: Very Good
IS THERE SOME download source for older 4.x version? an older 4.10 version works on my computer but i could not find it anymore
2022-10-26 19:12 Paulo Rating: Bad
WTF did you mean to running the emulator "as administrator"?!? I need a DIRECT way to uninstall this stupid emulator, not a goddamn riddle!
2022-10-21 23:38 ThatGuyQbic Rating: Very Bad
When I Do An Input With My Wheel,It Doent Save And When I Play My Game It Doent Work (32 bit version)
2022-10-10 21:42 Teo Rating: Very Good
I set it up in a matter of minutes. Any donation account?
2022-08-31 22:40 Abdelrahman Tarek Rating: Very Bad
the 64 bit version dont want to work for me it says that i need net frame v4 but i already got it cuz i have win 10 installed so i checked the features in the control panel and net frame was working properly so i dont know what to do i loved this thing and i need it to work so please help me!
2022-06-07 17:49 Lucas Rating: Very Bad
I open x360ce for all games with the controller adapter for ps2 and it closes by itself
2022-04-25 22:20 wow Rating: Very Bad
my keyboard does not work. thx. very useless
2022-04-24 20:42 Very upset Rating: Very Bad
Many familiar features are missing, I have to use this version but it sucks. The old version I WANT to use but it gives me an error that prevents it from reading literally any controllers.

There needs to be a manual or something for this program. It's too screwy right now.
2022-03-29 14:50 urazyjazzy Rating: Very Bad
it crashes to desktop after 2 seconds
2022-01-31 06:19 Lone Falcon Rating: Normal
does it work on modern warfare 3?
2021-10-14 03:41 campcreekdude Rating: Very Bad
Doesn't work old version is better.
2021-09-06 00:18 Soda Rating: Bad
Hello, i have been facing an issue with knockout city from EA Destop app, my generic controller is working just fine with x360ce, except that i cant move my camera in the Y axis, is there a way we can fix it?
2021-08-01 23:42 MrDarkShot72 Rating: Bad
Hello, a few days ago I started to have a problem with the most current version and that is that when I open it the program does not finish loading and closes
2021-07-24 20:00 Paul Rating: Very Bad
How do I merge 2 controllers? where is the advanced tab?
2021-07-07 17:16 Rahul Chandapur Rating: Normal

I am installed Don Braddamman Cricket 14 with X360CE. But whenever i want to connect with vjoy but X360CE can't detect Xinput.test. i tried so many ways to fix this problem but it can't fix. Any solution? Please advice me.
Thank you
2021-04-17 11:30 ameen Rating: Normal
how can i configure an wireless controller . my controller is amkette gamepad pro 3 . i want to play skerio .
2021-04-13 08:48 Steve Rating: Very Bad
Dont working.
Older versions are the best :(
2021-03-31 23:58 Daniel Ponte Rating: Very Bad
I can't get the app to work. I open it and it closes after 2 seconds. If I don't have a gamepad plugged, it works, but as soon as I plug one, bum, closes
2021-02-22 15:02 Tpaseo Rating: Very Bad
its always crushing. i cant even open it why ????
2021-02-18 16:45 Blued. Rating: Good
Hi there,

I have downloaded this, and connected this to my Logitech G27 wheel, I am using only the wheel, to drive and go forward etc, however when I hold in my acceleration key/button/selected button, it changes my camera view, and makes my drive straight? Is there settings to turn this weird thing off?

I can be driving, and holding in acceleration button, and turning, and my car wheels turn straight and my camera in game (ROBLOX) changes weirdly? How do I fix this!??
2021-02-12 23:27 MAGOOSKEE Rating: Normal
Does x360ce work with the simucube 2 Sport?
2021-02-12 07:18 Berserk Rating: Very Bad
I use this program before and I dont know why now it works like shit
The app doesnt work, the menu doesnt work, everything its super small and I dont know why, I cant setup my joystick because all the boxer are one on top of the other and no matter how big or small you do the window, everything looks small and one on top of the other
2021-02-10 18:45 Coa Rating: Very Bad
YOu took a perfectly good emulator and made it shit, thanks
2021-01-21 17:37 Tudiqu Rating: Normal
Hi guys, can someone PLEASE help me get my ps4 controller workink on Dark Souls II Scholar of the First Sin? I can't for the love of GOD make it work. I tried both with DS4Windows and this app and it just won't work :/
2021-01-06 03:15 Brian Rating: Good
Works well with Rumblepad2, however, the force feedback does not work at all even when switch on. Deal breaker for me. Checked forums - lots of complaints, no solutions. Going to try something else.
2021-01-02 15:13 Duvanggio Rating: Bad
I decided to use this version x360ce 4. but I have a problem with an Ipega 9028 bluetooth device. The Hide option does not work in games like FIFA because it maps two different devices mapped by the same controller which does not allow to play correctly ... : 'c
2021-01-01 14:35 how Rating: Very Bad
Make sure your game is set to use XInput Devices

Its too general, more details pls
2020-12-19 23:04 gabriel f Rating: Normal
doesn't work on rocket league heeeeeeeeeelp
2020-11-30 20:42 bucci23 Rating: Normal
hola anda pero en algunos juego me toma como si tuviera conectado dos joystick !! ayuda
2020-11-15 22:00 Malfudan Rating: Good
Hello the link for download x360ce redirect on the V4.16.8 version not the last (V4.17.15.0) can you please rectify the link? The V4.16.8 have this problem who is corrected in the last version (v4.17.12.0 (2020-11-15) - Fixed: Issue when mappings from other games would merge into currently selected game.)
2020-11-15 16:16 Chris Rating: Very Good
I've been using x360ce to get a PS5 Dualsense controller to work on PC. It currently works in 100% of games for me without needing to use Steam Big Screen. HIDGuardian must be installed and the "wireless controller" hidden so that your PC only sees an Xbox 360 controller (check this by hitting the Windows key then type USB to open "Set up USB game controllers). Literally works in every game from Steam, Epic, uPlay, Origin, and Windows Store (because of course it does, they all think I have a X360 controller connected).
2020-11-07 16:00 Salmon Rating: Bad
Arfter i install virtual gamepad my program not responding plis help
2020-11-02 18:55 LetsGo007 Rating: Very Good
Vibration not working please help
2020-10-30 09:49 Tolrod22 Rating: Good
This tool works but there are some issues :
1. It doesn't start with Windows (the box is checked)
2. I have to unplug and plug my controller after each Windows start so the tool can detect it...

Tested with :
- NFS 2016
- NFS Payback
- Rocket League
- ETS2
- Watch Dogs
- Watch Dogs 2
- Rainbow Six Siege (but I'm playing with mouse and keyboard)
- Some ACs (didn't test them all)
2020-10-18 16:09 Minx Rating: Good
I have never seen a person for whom this utility works. Only rumors that "I saw it at brother's. friend" We have tryed 14 PC with 4 types of joystick - works only for one with massive bugs...
2020-10-14 06:51 Silvia Rating: Very Good
I managed to fix it here, the problem was in the net framework I broke my head but I fixed it. Thanks, now it works perfectly, so now I can play my games smoothly :)
2020-10-12 19:06 DAXTER Rating: Bad
fechando rapidamente quando é aberto
2020-10-09 21:17 Alex de Mario Rating: Bad
Incorrect interface display at 4k resolution
2020-10-07 22:04 exazeus Rating: Good
Solving the problem with automatic closing of the program immediately after launch:
- Delete all files from folder C: \ Windows \ USB_Vibration
- Run the program, install the proposed drivers (2 pieces)
- Restart the computer (it is important, before the restart in the game the gamepad did not work, and in the program itself, instead of the green indicator, it was yellow)
It was very difficult to find solution, I hope it will help someone!
2020-10-04 23:41 Kyasty Rating: Good
Does not work with call of duty modern warfare 3
2020-09-22 13:14 Dimdim Rating: Very Good
Since high CPU utilization fixed it work just PERFECT!!! :)
2020-09-21 12:31 Leo Rating: Very Bad
2020-09-15 22:18 Omega-0 Rating: Very Good
Very good work! I have been tested with:

-AssassinsCreed 4.
-Bloodstained RotN.
-Castlevania LoS 1/2/MoF.
-Darkest Dungeons.
-DeusEx Human Revolution.
-FF IX, FF VIII Remastered.
-Hollow Knight.
-Journey.(Where in version 1.3.x of x360ce I can't get it to work)
-SamuraiJack BattleThroughTime. (Just like Journey)
-Sonic Mania Plus.
-The Sinking City. (pirate... He disappeared from any platform to buy :/ )
-Saga The Witcher.


any way to donate a contribution for your good work? :D
2020-09-11 17:37 Dimdim Rating: Very Good
Works great for my RumblePad2, but CPU consumption (~15% on e3 1270v2) is annoying :(. But there is no alternative soft i found. So anyway thanks so much!
2020-08-12 00:21 Wolfman Rating: Bad
V4.13.6.0 is a step back. Virtual Device Drivers don't even recognize the horizontal axis on one analog stick, and the right analog ends up moving the vertical axis of the left.

Love your work, but this isn't working. I can't even load profiles anymore. v3 was much more intuitive, even if we had to copy it to the game dir.
2020-08-09 22:29 Alex Sandro - MrBison Rating: Good
To @Galahed this is easy to solve, on the devices tab click on the original control and check the "Hide" box so it does not appear on the windows controls it is as if it had disabled it. You will have 1 control instead of two.

IMG here>>
2020-08-09 22:20 Alex Sandro - MrBison Rating: Good
program is good, working in all games but the use of cpu is very high even minimized, consuming 25% of the CPU
2020-08-07 01:47 Louis D Rating: Very Good
This new version is awsome. I have Xbox Game Pass for PC and the game files are encrypted so the previous version of this program (v 3.x) does not work. But this new version (4.12.18) works perfectly with the games I have from xbox game pass.

I tried Bloodstained, Ori and the will of the wisps and Recore with a PlayStation2 controller and a PS2 to USB Adapter, and works perfectly.
2020-07-26 08:22 Galahed Rating: Bad
This program create In Gamer controlle a new Controlle. In my Gaming, my controlle Generic controll player 1 and 2 in time.

in Guide Gamer Controlle:

Generic joystick
Virtual Controller (XBOX 360 for Windows)

Two Gamepads in one Joystick.